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Follow Me Boy - attract a specific man in your life!
Follow Me Boy is a traditional oil known to a lot of rootworkers / spiritual workers as it's one of those kinds of oil that are essential and much needed for any kind of love work. This oil in particular is made with a very traditional recipe meant to entice a man to come to you and enter your life, making them to deaire you and want to be with you. In some cases, may not take off their hands away from you, too! (Ofcourse, there are specific ways in using them) - it can also be used to your current partners to ensure they won't stray from you.Naturally, needless to say that this oil does include some compelling and domination energies (just slightly, which is why we use the word entice, NOT to "make them completely act like a dog" - that won't be much fun, would it?)Using this oil to your partner's items as you put your intention will ensure fheh come toyou all the time. Put some in the bath, in the bedroom sheets, use it as a perfume. A separate instrucfion will be provided as you purchase this oil. Perfect to be used in conjunction with Forget Me Not Oil to keep them interested with you, make them think of you and be faithful towards you!PS. This does include traditional recipe, including High John & Master Root which really says a lot how high end and pricey this oil truly is! (not all follow me boy has a powerful recipe like this so you might want to keep in check to save this oil with you in case you need if!)

Follow Me Boy - attract a specific man in your life!


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