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Golden Sheen Black Obsidian Bracelet

Gold Sheen Obsidian will always have a tone of gold sheen to it, hence the name, and it may not be obvious at first glance but if you put close observation, one should be able to see through it. It is usually a stone of great power and is a booster for all forms of manifestation working. It aids you to solve problems to issues you may be having. In some cases, it can also be helpful in spiritual work for practitioner for their divination and scrying and helps reveal visions. Also used for protection and removing negativity and also it helps to allow us to be better versions of ourselves by fixing bad habits especially when we ourselves, also want to rid of them but was unable to - - this stone can help you.


Please do know that Obsidians in general is hard to detect its fake nature but there are fake ones (especially for black ones alone) and nowadays, man-made crystals do exist and black obsidian is one of those stones that can be achieve to make through man made work.


A rule of thumb, most crystals will never appear very shiny and pristine despite there are ones that has those properties - they are usually never perfect aligned in those nature yet they will also never look dull. It does take practice but once you are used to seeing one, it doesn't take that much effort to learn how to see which is real and which is fake.


For the most part though, this stone is good if you want to trigger change. If you encounter delays after delays and want some road opening and open paths, bring opportunities and manifest money. This is your stone. (I actually learned this from the mining site), as I was curious why they have related this to money. 

Golden Sheen Black Obsidian Bracelet


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